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Appeal of the Director of the International Scientific Organization
"Newton Society" Vladislav Cherepennikov
to the participants and organizers of the International Scientific Conferences,
members of the editorial boards of scientific journals and publishing houses.
"The extraordinary seriousness of the sad consequences of the crisis in natural science for the fates of earthly civilization is not perceived by the mighty of this world and not brought to the consciousness of the people". Professor V.V. Kuzmin (Materials VII International Scientific Conference "Space, time, aggression", August 19–23, 2002 , St. Petersburg )
In order to overcome "the sad consequences of the crisis in natural science for the fates of earthly civilization ... " needed change, dominant at the moment, anti-scientific quantum-relativistic subconsciousness and the revival of fundamental scienceis necessary.
"We must finally show civic courage and call everything here by their proper names:
a) The theory of relativity is an ideological diversion in materialistic philosophy.
b) This theory has become a drag on world science, it cannot objectively explain natural phenomena, and it must be admitted that the laws and connections established by it are not scientifically substantiated". Professor V. I. Sekerin. Essay on the theory of relativity. Novosibirsk, 1988, p. 38
"With all due respect to the scientific community, it is impossible to get rid of the terrible thought that it was misled (there are a number of inside and outside scientific reasons) that a jester's cap of relativism was wearing his head. To perceive it is painful and humiliating, but a bitter and difficult path of purification is necessary for science! " Professor V.V. Krasnoyarov, - Journal "Inventor and Innovator" No. 8, 1988
Summarizing the words of the Soviet and Russian astronomer, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, researcher and popularizer of science, Vice-President of the All-Union Astronomical and Geodesic Society of the USSR Academy of Sciences, President of the Astronomical and Geodesic Association Gavriel Khromov, we note the following: " Our own science, above all its foundation - fundamental science, is now in a critical situation...
Science must be protected from itself, from its unviable organizational structure, from its bureaucratization of the nomenklatura elite infected with the monopolism. " The newspaper "Izvestia", G. Khromov "Science needs protection" from 08.23.89.
"The bureaucratized nomenclature elite infected with monopolism" is trying today to replace the truly scientific knowledge of eminent scientists about «the eternally repeated succession of worlds in infinite time is only the logical complement to the co-existence of innumerable worlds in infinite space - a principle the necessity of which has forced itself even on the anti-theoretical Yankee brain of Draper (F. Engels. Dialectics of Nature, 1978, p. 22)», but do not wish to recognize anti-theoretical brains of pseudoscientific swindlers.
"Stupidity, absurdity and incompetence in philosophical thinking", "nomenklature elite" (at a fair estimation of Isaac Newton) consists in impose to public consciousness "the top of the absurd, insult of common sense and worst nonsense " about the creation of the Universe as a result of a "big explosion" from a point — a singularity that does not have dimensions, of course, by God.
Because "The one God created everything, the One. If there is the One God, the single providence, then there is a single subject of research ... The world is one and cognizable by the human intellect, and only because there is the One God who created both the world and man with one Providence, and that is why there is a single object of research ... In our materialistic (? !!! author) the century serious scientists can only be deeply religious people. " Y.S. Osipov, President of the Russian Academy of Sciences; V.E. Fortov, Vice-President. Interview to the Moscow weekly "Poisk", No. 13, 1998.
And the scientific essence of this " worst nonsense" have long been exposed by prominent scientists, including the Nobel Prize winner X. Alven, but following an anti theoretical pseudoscientific practice flatly ignored: "Then lessly there is scientific evidence, the more fanatical is the belief in this myth. As you know, this cosmological theory is the height of the absurd - it claims that the entire Universe arose at some definite moment, like an exploding atomic bomb, measuring (more or less) with a pinhead. It seems that in the current intellectual atmosphere a great advantage of the big bang cosmology is that it is an insult to common sense: credo, quia absurdum ("I believe, for it is absurd")! When scientists fight against astrological nonsense outside the "temples of science", it would be nice to recall that sometimes even worse nonsense is cultivated within these walls themselves. " The future of science. Digest of articles. M. "Science". 1979 g . with. 64.
In general, such "nonsense, absurdities and incompetence in philosophical thinking" in the "methodological lessons of new physics" is more than enough.
There is a complete degradation in the field of intellectual thinking of pseudo-scientific swindlers, which they have been trying to impose on the public consciousness for more than a hundred years.
Note. " Degradation - what does it mean? People have increasingly begun to pay attention to what education is becoming in our time. Thoughtless copying of "values" leads to the fact that children are gradually turning into complete morons who do not need anything except speed and sex. What will it lead to? ... One gets the impression that the degradation of society is caused not by internal, but by external causes, and it happens due to someone's evil intent". A source: https: // x n ---- 8sbfgf1bdjhf5a1j.xn - p1ai / 1393-degradaciya-chto-znachit.html © https: //fashion-slova.rf
In the early nineties of the last century, international scientific conferences were held in St. Petersburg, which brought together hundreds of scientists from around the world.
We are united by a common goal - "union of scientists' efforts on the resolution of fundamental and applied problems of natural science, based on the principles of classical physics". (see Addition 1)
Unfortunately, provocateurs and traitors turned out to be in our ranks, who negated all our efforts.
And now, international scientific conferences are being held in St. Petersburg, in which a dozen of ignorant notorious liars take part in the force, who are " ready to deify even their own delusion, if feeds them ".
At these conferences, the problems of increasing the yield by prayer, expulsion of rats by meditation and the like ignorance are discussed.
We must finally understand that "here and in basic science there are ... non-sayings that hide the essence of many phenomena, to have an idea about which, mere mortals are forbidden by those in power.
It is forbidden because the "power of darkness" lingers over society solely on human ignorance and the multiplication of human vices". People's Writer, Member of the Writers' Union of Russia Anton Blagin. The article "What is not understood in fundamental science Yury Boldyrev and Vladimir Putin" https://blagin-anton.livejournal.com/94 5200.html
"Ignorance - is demonic power and we fear that it will cause more many tragedies". Karl Marx,vsecitaty . ru › ludi / karl - marks / O - nevezhestve /
In words, it would seem that "the extraordinary seriousness of the sad consequences of the crisis in natural science for the fates of earthly civilization ..." finally reached the consciousness of those in power (see Addition 2).
But in fact. Not having waited "conducting objective, comprehensive and timely consideration of the appeal...»from Academy of sciences within forty four years on the substance of materials of the research,allowing to overcome crash of quantum-relativistic subconsciousness in theoretical thinking and return to truly scientific knowledge of dialecticmaterialism, the author was forced to apply to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation as a higher organization. A report on the early fulfillment of the assignment of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin on the " change of the currently dominant scientific paradigm", envisaged by the "Strategy for the Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation until 2035" . The appeal was based on a request to oblige the Russian Academy of Sciences to "conduct objective, comprehensive and timely consideration of the appeal; take measures aimed at restoring or protecting the violated rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations, to give a written answer on the substance of the questions raised in the appeal at within 30 days" , as required Part 5 of Article 11 of the Federal Law of May 2, 2006 No. 59-ФЗ "On the Procedure for Considering Appeals of Citizens and Organizations of the Russian Federation", and also " obliging the Russian Academy of Sciences to explain the goals of its activities to society", as provided for by the Strategy.
Note. "Hostile activity of the bureaucratization of the nomenklatura elite infected with monopolism" of the Russian Academy of Sciences causes damage to the "Strategy of the scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation until 2035 ", equalized by the Law and the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin to the "National Security Strategy of the country."
Concerning pseudoscientific swindlers and those who "provide" them with "help" the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation incriminates article 275 - "High treason".
According to the Commentary to Article 275: "The addressee conducting hostile activities and the presence of citizens of the Russian Federation who assist in activities to the detriment of the security of the Russian Federation is common to all methods of high treason. In accordance with Part 5 of Article 15 of the Criminal Code, a crime falls into the category of especially grave crimes ".
Despite this, the eleven-year promises of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation to assist in an objective, comprehensive and timely consideration of the appeal ... " and so on, as required by law, ended with an empty formal reply:
"... a decision was taken on the groundlessness of the next appeal; correspondence with you on issues related to the development of fundamental science by authorized persons - employees of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation on work with citizens and organizations on this issue is terminated." Head of complaints and legal work department S. Finisova November 10 , 20, 18, No. A26-02-106491291
Certainly, that else it was possible to wait from the state traitors and «the power without brains» by definition of Nobel Prize winner Jores Alfyorov. (Look: e-libra.su ›read/408174-vlast-bez-mozgov-otdelenie ...)
Long-term correspondence with pseudo-scientific swindlers and their powerful patrons was necessary to expose the true goals of the "power of darkness" - the return of humanity to medieval ignorance, inquisition, enslavement and destruction of the peoples of the world in bloody wars for the redistribution of property and world domination.
"I would never have known the human triviality, I would never have understood how little people are interested in truly great goals, if I had not approached them with my natural historical research methods. It was then that I discovered that for most people science is only a means of livelihood, and they are ready to deify even their own delusion, if it feeds them. There is nothing worse than stupidity " - better not say. Goethe. Conversations with Goethe in the last years of his life, Yerevan, "Hayastan", 1988, p. 159-160.
Under current conditions, when all available means, including through the curricula of schools and universities, the mass media, impose the anti-scientific idealistic and religious worldview on the public, scientists continue to be persecuted for their materialistic beliefs by expulsion from work, prohibiting teaching, depriving academic degrees and titles until the direction of psychiatric hospitals and physical destruction, in-depth study, development and promotion of the works of the classics of natural science and dialectical materialism is the most important direction of the struggle for science, culture, against barbarism, savagery and the death of civilization.
That is why it is so necessary that scientists of the International Scientific Community, misled by pseudo-scientific swindlers, focus not on propaganda of pseudoscientific theories, as is the case until now, but on the defense and revival of fundamental science - "bringing up to consciousness of thepeople the extraordinary seriousness of the sad consequences of the crisis in natural science for fates of earthly civilization".
«The essence of crisis of modern physics consists in breaking old laws and main principles, in rejection of an objective reality out of consciousness, that is in the replacement of materialism with idealism and agnosticism ...
The materialistic basic spirit of physics, as well as all modern natural sciences, will win all and all crises, but only with indispensable replacement of materialism metaphysical materialism dialectic ...
Modern scientists will find (if will manage to search, and if we learn to help them) with Hegel's materialistically interpreted dialectics a number of answers to those philosophical questions which are put by revolution in natural sciences and on which intellectual admirers of a bourgeois fashion "get off" in reaction.
Without that such problem to put and regularly it to carry out, the materialism cannot be militant materialism. It remains, using Shchedrin's the expression, not so much struggling, but more being struggled. Without it large natural scientists will be helpless in the philosophical conclusions and generalizations also often as it is now. For the natural sciences progress so quickly, the period such deep revolutionary breakage in all areas worries, that without philosophical conclusions to natural sciences not to manage in no case.
Going on a way Marxian theory, we will approach more and more to an objective reality (never settling it), going on any other way, we cannot come to anything but confusion and lie». V.I. Lenin. Full collected works. The edition 5. Т. 18, p. 239.
I would like to hope that you will take from your predecessors the relay race of the struggle for science, culture, against barbarism, savagery and the death of civilization. Otherwise, the crazed world rulers will destroy the Earth according to the mythological scenario of the planet Phaeton.
"The goal of every struggle is victory. Our cause is right. Victory will be ours". Joseph Stalin.
P. S.
The author gratefully accepts the high marks given research materials from participants and organizers of International Scientific Conferences, editorial offices of scientific journals and publishing houses from Brussels, Berlin, Frankfurt, Madrid, Los Angeles, San - Diego, Washington, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Paris, London, Vienna, Valencia, Osaka, Tokyo, Indore, Amsterdam, Dubai, Rome, Seoul ..., and also for invitations to take part in organizational committees and membership in editorial boards (see, for example, Addition 3).
Unfortunately, for reasons beyond the control of the author, it is not possible to participate in all Scientific Conferences in person.
Nevertheless, I hope that the research materials will still be presented to the participants of International Conferences, on terms acceptable to the author, by the organizers of the International Scientific Conferences and Publishers.
Received proposals for the publication of research materials in English-speaking countries. Therefore, intensively engaged in the preparation of the monograph for publication. I would like to hope that research materials based on the knowledge of the greatest minds of all times and peoples become available to a wide audience of readers.
Unfortunately, this was not possible in Russia. You can purchase books of the slanderer Rezun (nicknamed Suvorov) in any shop, for example, "Ledokol (Icebreaker)", who fled abroad and was sentenced for treason against the death penalty.His frauds are published in Russia by mass editions. But both books "Science needs protection from pseudo-scientific swindlers..." and "For the Russian Academy of Sciences fundamental science is not need ", published at the expense of the author, with report on the early fulfillment of the task of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin " change of the currently dominant scientific paradigm" you will not find in any retail store. You can order them only through the publisher's online store. And the very publication of books for the author remains an incredible luck. I had to go around a lot of publishers before Sputnik + Publishers agreed.
I hope that the present appeal and research materials the author, as well as other materialist scientists, will be presented to the participants of the International Scientific Conferences and published in scientific journals, and the monographs - by scientific publishers with the aim of "bringing up to consciousness of the people the extraordinary seriousness of the sad consequences of the crisis in natural science for fates of earthly civilization".
Note. To download research materials«Science needs protection from pseudo-scientific swindlers, who have usurped the power of the world scientific community. It is about the mechanical essence of physical interactions, philosophical and natural science inability of the quantum-relativistic unconscious"
in Russian and English languages it is possible for on a site
Sincerely, Vladislav Cherepennikov
the appendix 1
SIR Isaac Newton
Constituent Assembly of the International Organization
"Newtonian Society"
from 26.03.93
Was attended by participants and guests of the III International Conference "Newton and the problems of mechanics of solid and deformable bodies" Saint - Petersburg, 22 - 27 March 1993
We heard the proposals of the participants of the conference Cherepennikov V.B. authorized a group of participants, the creation of the International Organization "Newtonian society."
The purpose of the "Newtonian society" considered to bring together scientists to resolve the fundamental and applied scientific problems based on the principles of classical physics.
Assembly resolved:
1. to establish an international organization "Newtonian society."
2. To elect the Coordinating Council "Newton society" composed of:
Chairman of the Board - Smirnov A.P. Cand. (St. Petersburg, Russia);
Deputy. Chairman of the Board - Peschevitskiy B. I. prof. e. f and Mathematics.
(Novosibirsk, Russia).
Members of the Board:
prof. Bartocci (Italy); prof. P. Beckmann (USA);
k. r. n. Belostotskiy Y. G. (St. Petersburg, Russia);
Ph.D. Butusov K.P. (St. Petersburg, Russia);
a. the so-called Varin M. P. (St. Petersburg, Russia);
tsp. Corr. RAS Grigoryan S. (Moscow, Russia);
Acad. RAS Ishlinskiy A. Yu. (Moscow, Russia);
a. p-m. n. Efimov A. A. (St.Petersburg, Russia);
prof. Kanarev F.M. (Krasnodar, Russia);
prof. Kiisa R. (Canada);
a. p-m. n. Mamyrov U. of I. (Kyrgyzstan);
prof. Monti P. (Italy);
prof. R. Pearson (England);
prof. Fateev V.F. (St. Petersburg, Russia);
prof. Cheshev V.V. (Tomsk, Russia);
NOTE: To authorize the Coordination Council to carry out changes in the composition of its members in connection with the production needs.
3. To elect the Executive Director of "Newtonian society" Cherepennikov V.B. (Ulyanovsk, Russia). Instruct him to register the Company's current account opening and maintenance of organizational and financial activities.
4. To publish the proceedings of the III International Conference "Newton and the problems of mechanics of solid and deformable bodies" and works by members of "Newtonian Society" to organize the editorial Board composed of:
Varin M. P.
Zayn Malik
Efimov A.A.
Smirnov A.P.
Cherepennikov V.B.
5. To authorize the Chairman of the Coordination Council of "Newtonian society" Smirnov A.P. and the Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the III International Conference "Newton and the problems of mechanics of solid and deformable bodies" Varin M.P. to sign the minutes of the constituent assembly, "Newton's society."
6. To authorize the Chairman of the Coordination Council of "Newtonian society" Smirnov A. P. subscriber to the memorandum, "Newton's society."
7. Resolution of the Constituent Assembly was adopted unanimously.
Chairman of the Coordination
Council "Newton society"
Smirnov A. P. Varin M. P.
Group of participants of the International scientific conference.
March 1993 St. Petersburg
The appendix 2.
Problems and the purposes «Strategy of scientifically-technological development of the Russian Federation till 2035»
«The fundamental science the next years will essentially change. It is necessary to expect development of new leading scientific concepts. There are bases to expect considerable breaks in horizon till 2035-2050 in fundamental researches in astrophysics, the quantum physics ..., growth of the importance of the exploratory researches directed on change of a scientific paradigm dominating at the moment .
The development of fundamental scientific researches in the Russian Federation will be one of unconditional priorities of the state scientifically-technological policy on long-term prospect.
Existing in Russia at the moment the system of an estimation of fundamental researches disperses from world practice ...
Priority directions of development of fundamental researches are defined by scientific community, instead of pseudoscientific swindlers bibliometric indicators.
The science is obliged to explain the purposes of itself activity to a society and to be accountable to it ».
«Considering a main role of a science and technologies for the country as you know, the special status is given it: directly in the law it is registered, that it is equal to Strategy of national safety.
The first. It is necessary to concentrate special attention to fundamental science development, to aim it at reception of essentially new knowledge, search of answers to so-called big calls of tomorrow.
Despite an uneasy situation, it is necessary to support level of expenses on fundamental science .... Therefore along with budgetary funds we will direct also off-budget ... Having saved here today, we will be, certainly, hopelessly to lag behind tomorrow - and admit it we can not.
It is necessary to create such conditions to make our country one of the centres of gravity for the best scientists from all world ».
The president of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin
the appendix 3
The expert resolution of Organizing committees of the International scientific Conferences, editions of foreign magazines and publishing houses on materials of research in the field of philosophy and natural sciences of the director of the International scientific organization «Newton society», the honorary academician of the International Academy V.B. Cherepennikov's
"This is a big tragedy in the history of the Russian Academy of Sciences. I regret that I heard that the work you did was ignored by the leadership of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The essence of the research you tried to send to Putin was achieved, one way or another, by your extraordinary efforts.
As an organization, we will always support your work for the development of future science.
An outstanding person, like you, is always necessary for Physics, and your contribution to this discipline is skillful and inventive.
I warmly appreciate you for your readiness for future improvements in physics." Disa Rosen
Organizing Committee 2 of International Conference on Physics August 28-30, 2017, Brussels, Belgium
"We are impressed by your monograph, which is amazing, and we are pleased to submit and publish it for Physics 2018.
We will upload your monograph in our website. We will include your monograph in the Physics 2018 express information and distribute it in various universities throughout the world.
To ensure success, we invite you to become one of the leaders and join the Organizing Committee Group."
Success in the experiment inspired us to fight for even better results. Physics 2017 in Brussels was a gathering of world high-class researchers and academics from all over the world." Mark Philips. The Organizing Committee of the International Conference on the Physics 2018 17 -18 September Berlin, Germany
"On behalf of the LLC Conferences series, we are extremely pleased to welcome you at the 5th International Conference on Theoretically Important and Actual Problems of Physics, which will be held from November 27-29, 2018 in the most attractive city of Los Angeles, USA.
The main theme of the conference is "Innovative confrontations in the real world in the field of theoretically important and actual problems of Physics".
The conference provides a platform for interaction between experts from all over the world and seeks to accelerate scientific discoveries and identify major milestones in the field of solving theoretically important and urgent problems of Physics.
As a member of the "big leagues" with an outstanding experience of an expert in this field, we would like to invite you as a member of the Organizing Committee on important and topical issues of Physics in 2018.
We are pleased to inform you that a resume that you submitted to the Conference on global issues Physics 2018 was approved by the Expert Committee.
We will put your resume in the materials of the 5th International Conference on Global Matters of Physics, which will take place on November 27-29 in Los Angeles, USA" James Taylor.
Organizing Committee of the International Conference on Global Physical Issues 2018, November 27-29, Los Angeles, USA
"With the tremendous support of outstanding scientists in the field of Physics, we are holding a Global Summit on Physics from 27 to 28 September, 2018 in Madrid, Spain.
It is an honor and a privilege for us to invite you to participate as a member of the Organizing Committee, as it is our firm belief that your inclusion in the Organizing Committee among other participants is unprecedented, and your outstanding leadership at this Congress will make it successful."
Organizing Committee GSP-2018 are:
Arno R Bohm, University of Texas, Austin
Ching -Yao Fong, University of California, Davis
Dimitris Drikakis, University of Strathclyde, UK
Antonio Ferrer, University of Valencia, Spain
Roland H. Tarkhanyan, Leading Scientist, Armenian AcSci, Yerevan
Roderick Melnik, MS2Discovery Interdisciplinary Research Institute, Canada and many others.
GSP-2018 brings together leading scientists, engineers, and company directors at the Global Congress Summit on Physics to exchange information on the current progress of research. GSP-2018 will promote the advancement of outstanding research from renowned universities around the world, highlighting isolated sections that will cover almost all aspects in the field of Physics." Justin Albert. Organizing Committee of the International Global Congress on Physics Summit, September 27 to September 28, 2018, Madrid, Spain.
"The purpose of this invitation is to invite you, on behalf of the Organizing Committee, to the 3rd International Conference on Applied Physics during August 23-25, 2018 in London, United Kingdom.
With the presentation of your research work: "Science needs protection from pseudo-scientific fraudsters" we would like to see you as the Speaker at our 2018 Physics conference. We believe that your presence at the conference and the sharing of your valuable knowledge could be a decisive factor in advancing Physics to new heights.
Physics 2018 is specifically designed to call upon experts from around the world in the interdisciplinary field of Physics for mutual participation and enrichment of their invaluable knowledge and Nobel works." Daniel Gordon. Organizing Committee of the 3rd International Conference on Applied Physics, August 23-25, 2018, London, United Kingdom.
"The purpose of this letter is to welcome you and ask you to be a speaker at the upcoming Annual Summit on Magnetism." Katherine Julie. Organizing Committee of the International European Congress 2018, November 08-09, 2018, Paris, France
"The purpose of this letter is to request your kind presence at the "International Conference on Astronomy, Astrophysics and Astrobiology" from May 30 to 31, 2018 Osaki, Japan.
We would be obliged if we had support from you, being a member of the Organizing Committee for our upcoming Astronomy Congress 2018, Osaka, Japan. We are also delighted to give you the opportunity as a speaker at this conference. We look forward to your association with the Astronomy Congress 2018, Osaka, Japan.
We believe that your presence would be a source of inspiration for a budding scientist, student; academicians and business people to adopt new technological aspects related to Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Astrobiology research of the next level". Sam Christopher
Organizing Committee International Conference on Astronomy, Astrophysics and Astrobiology, May 30-31, 2018, Osaka, Japan
"It gives us great pleasure and honor to invite you as a speaker at the "Asia - Pacific Physics Conference 2018" from September 26-27, 2018 in Tokyo, Japan, which will focus on "Updating, Uniting, Motivating the conference with the ideas of physics and its concepts "because you have created its leading research in this area.
We are proud that we have achieved victoriously many results in this field, which are highly appreciated, and that the collection of scientists provided us with a large amount of information, transformation of reason and ideas from various countries of the globe.
On behalf of the organizing committee of the meeting and the editorial board of supporting magazines, we decided, this time, to invite you, and we would be respectful if you accepted our modest invitation.
We hope that this invitation is expected by people sympathetic to you who give you preference in giving a speech at the Asia- Pacific Conference on Physics in 2018. Kindly submit your resume of your potential speech so that we can send it to our Expertise and Approval Committee". Yoko James. Organizing Committee of the International Asia-Pacific Conference on Physics, September 26-27, 2018, Tokyo, Japan
"Being amazed and admired by your excellent knowledge in the field of physics, it is an honor and privilege to invite you as a "Participant of the Organizing Committee" for this International Conference". James Morgan. Organizing Committee of the 4th International Conference on High Energy and Physics of Elementary Particles, 03-04 December 2018 Valencia, Spain.
"On behalf of the Conference Series llc LTD, we are pleased to invite you as a speaker at the
"5 th International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics", which will be held in the period 02-03 July 2018 in Vienna, Austria.
Your knowledge in this area of work will be an exceptional addition to our 2018 Applied Physics program, which many of our visitors hope to hear and learn in your work". Katreena Alaine. Organizing Committee of "5 th International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics", 02-03 July 2018, Vienna, Austria.
Invitation V.B. Cherepennikov for the publication of copyright works by the journal of research and applications of physics SciTechnol.
"We are pleased to inform you about our recently launched open access journal to research and applications in the field of physics, which tells about the great contributions and breakthroughs in the advancement of the physical sciences and related fields through publications.
Being an authoritative and promising researcher, your contribution to the first issue will be a step forward for the development of the Journal. Our journal accepts thematic articles on sections of the sections of physics and its applied fields" . Rana D.
Invitation V.B. Cherepennikov to become a member of the Editorial Board of the journal "Successes in Theoretical and Computational Physics"
"In connection with your fame and reputation in the field of qualitative research, you are invited to become a member of the Editorial Board of our Journal. We know about your reputation for the quality of your research and trust your merits in the field of "Successes in Theoretical and Computational Physics", which is why we insist that you become a member of the Editorial Board of our journal, entitled "Successes in Theoretical and Computational Physics".
We look forward to a close and long-lasting scientific relationship in favor of the scientific community.
We are proud that our invitation to join the Editorial Board of our journal was accepted by you positively and we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted by the Member of the Editorial Board, and information about you is posted on the website of the Journal of Advances in Theoretical and Computational Physics.
Welcome to our Editorial Board.
Our magazine needs the support of people like you to increase the rating of the magazine Regards», Rapture D, Overland - Park , Kansas, USA
"It is a great honor for me to consider you as a potential author and invite you to submit a manuscript for publication in an upcoming issue, which will be published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry and Biophysics. Your contribution to science is valuable to us. We invite the best research minds to publish manuscripts."
Invitation V.B. Cherepennikov for the publication of manuscripts
"OMICS Group - Chemistry Journals". Journal of Physical Chemistry and Biophysics
"We recognize your resume, called "Science needs protection from pseudo-scientific swindlers who usurped the power of the world scientific community. On the mechanical nature of physical interactions, philosophy and the natural inconsistency of quantum-relativistic subconscious" on the 2 -th International Conference on Physics.
If you are interested, I would like to suggest that you fully publish your work in our International Journal of Mathematics, Physics and Biostatics" Logan. Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
Proposition V.B. Cherepennikov, to publish in full the author's works in the International Journal of Mathematics, Physics and Biostatics. Kosmos Publisher
"We acknowledge your resume, called " Science needs protection from pseudo-scientific fraudsters usurping the power of the global scientific community. On the mechanical essence of physical interactions, philosophical and natural-science inconsistency of the quantum -relativistic subconscious " , which was presented at the 2nd International Conference on Physics 2017 Brussels Belgium
The journal is very high quality and recognizes you as one of the most prominent researchers in the field of Physics.
We are very pleased to invite you to participate in the upcoming Edition (Issue 1, Edition 10) of our journal. It will be a great privilege for us to publish your modern research paper, which will enhance the prestige of our magazine." Christopher David - Managing Editor Nessa Publishers
Proposition V.B. Cherepennikov to publish in Nessa the Journal of Physics (NJPH) of a modern research paper
"I have the honor to invite you as a member of the Organizing Committee of the World Conference on Advanced Material Science and Nanotechnology, June 17-19, 2019, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
The audience will be curious to hear your work and the promising path that you are so passionate about if you join us.
Our goal is to reconcile bright minds. We really would like to enlist your presence at the conference." Wesley duke.
Organizing Committee of the World Conference on Advanced Material Science and Nanotechnology 17-19, 2019, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Proposals for the publication of the works of V. B. Cherepennikov's Journal Scientific Reviews and Chemical Links.
"Our joint contact is based on your previous work, called "Science need protection from pseudo-scientific fraudsters usurping the power of the world scientific community. About the mechanical essence of physical interactions, philosophical and natural science inconsistency of quantum-relativistic subconsciousness" presented at the "2nd International Conference on Physics" gives us great pleasure to invite you to further cooperation. You can also write a scientific article, a review article, for review and publication in the upcoming edition of the journal Scientific Reviews and Chemical Links. descriptions of events, problem articles, articles of judgment, mini-reviews, letters to the editor, etc. according to your competence. Your article will be taken into account when publishing the 8th volume, 1st issue of the magazine. Sincerely". Dr. Bryan Vickery Journal Coordinator
Dear Dr. Vladislav Cherepennikov,
Hope you are doing well. Apologies for bothering in your busy schedule.
We have contacted you earlier through email. Since we have not received any response from you regarding your valuable manuscript submission, we are taking the liberty of resending the invitation as we are aware that you may be engaged in other activities or our message may not have successfully reached you.
We request eminent people like you to submit their valuable manuscripts on or before February 20, we just need at least a single article from your end. Hope you spare your valuable time in supporting us with your kind contribution of the manuscript towards our Journal.
You can submit your manuscript at https://medwinpublishers.com/submit-manuscript.php?jrnlSMId=33
Note: If you want to be an Editorial board member please let us know. The eligibility is minimum Ph.D. or M.D
Please forward this call for papers to your colleagues. Thanks in advance. Kindly acknowledge this email within 24 hours whether it may be positive or negative.
We look forward to receive your positive response.
Kind Regards,
Paula Annette
Assistant Managing Editor
Nanomedicine & Nanotechnology Open Access (NNOA)
MedWin Publishers
Dear Dr. Vladislav Cherepennikov,
Warm Greetings from Scientia Ricerca!
This mail is regarding update of your article COPS-18 OPN-0091. We would like to inform you that your article has been accepted for publication and is under galley proof that is going to be published online in Chronicles of Pharmaceutical Science journal at the earliest.
We will let you know further updates.
Best Regards,
Aliza Marks,
Associate Managing Editor,
Chronicles of Pharmaceutical Science,
E-mail : pharmacy@scientiaricerca.com
Website : scientiaricerca.com
Dear Vladislav Cherepennikov,
We are elated to cordially welcome you to the 4th International Conference on Applied Physics slated on Apr 15-16, 2019 at Frankfurt, Germany to share their research works and recent progress in physics.
Considering your research works and significant contributions in Physics, we would be elated to have you works presented at our conference. We reckon that your expertise in this field would be a major determining factor in the development of future research.
For more details: Physics Conference
Physics 2019 is specially designed to gather the experts in the multidisciplinary aspects of novel Physics works from all over the world for mutual sharing of invaluable experience..
Kindly get back to us with your interest towards the conference and your positive reply will be highly valued.
Best regards,
Fiona Davies
Program Manager | Physics 2019
Tel: +44 203 769 1755
E: physics@alliedconference.org
Dear Dr. Vladislav Cherepennikov,
Greeting from Nuclear Engineering-2019,
Thank you for your positive response towards Nuclear Engineering-2019, Kindly Make registration ASAP. Awaiting for your Confirmation of participation through Registration.
Best Regards
Adam Smith
Nuclear Engineering-2019
2nd International Conference on Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
July 29-30, 2019 | Bangkok, Thailand
Dear Dr. Vladislav Cherepennikov,
Greetings from Physical Chemistry 2019!!
Hope you are doing well.
We are pleased to invite you as Speaker to our upcoming 2nd International Conference on Physical and Theoretical Chemistry which will be held during July 29-30, 2019 at Bangkok, Thailand.
The conference is accredited with CPD credits. The theme of conference is "Changing the World by Exploring the Emerging Trends in Physical and Theoretical Chemistry".
Benefit for Speakers:
1. Every Invited speaker or attendees for the conference will be provided with DOI (Digital Object Identifier) certificate from cross ref with a specific number for that particular speaker and his abstract which will be a unique number worldwide
2. Financial assistance on registration or accommodation
3. Grants for collaboration, we will support your accommodation
4. International Fellowship for students
5. We can arrange B2B meeting with any of the sponsor company or delegates or exhibitor during the conference, investor for event.
6. For the resident, students and medical intern and post graduate students, we have Young Research Forum competition
For more details please visit: https://physicalchemistrymeets.blogspot.com/
Register before January 31, 2019 to get up to 30% discount on registration.
Our speaker slots are closing and hence we request you to kindly avail this opportunity to share your scientific excellences and be a part of expert gathering at Bangkok, Thailand.
Your valued presence will enhance the scientific essence of the conference and help to make it a grand success.
Thanks and regards,
Sophia Lee | Program Manager
Physical Chemistry 2019
47 Churchfield Road, London, W3 6AY,
United Kingdom
Dear Dr. Vladislav Cherepennikov,
Greetings from Physics Congress 2019 Conference
We are happy to inform you that your abstract has been accepted for Oral Presentation. Please find the attached acceptance letter. We suggest you to register for the conference at your earliest convenience.
For more details on registration, please visit: https://www.meetingsint.com/conferences/europhysics/registration or https://www.europeanmeetings.net/onlinepayment
Please add me to your Facebook, So that i can better communicate with you. Facebook:
Emily Smith
Conference Manager | Physics Congress 2019
Email: europhysics@insightsummits.com
Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
Dear Prof Vladislav cherepennikov,
Warm Greetings!
Owing to your research in the field of Physics, It is my sincere pleasure to invite you as an Organizing Committee Member for the Physics Annual Research Meet scheduled on November 18-19, 2019, at Dubai, UAE. The Scope of the conference is to "Innovative technologies and advancements in Physics world".
Our goal is to bring together researchers to give talks that are idea-focused and on a wide range of subjects in the field of physics.
Privileges for Organizing Committee:
• Plenary speech Opportunity
• Chair/Co-chair for your session of interest
• Managed as a Evaluator of poster session
• Provide a platform to organize symposia or workshops
• Special interactive sessions will be provided, if you are coming with your research team
• Promotion for your own labs will be feasible
• Your new research findings and Scientific Books can be released
For more details about the Congress P.S: http://physics.empiricalconferences.com/scientific-track-2/
Please, let me know at your convenience if you will be able to join us for the event.
With Regards,
Angelina Diaz
Physics 2019
E: physics@empiricalconferenceseries.com
International Condensed Matter Physics Conference
August 29-30, 2019, Valencia, Spain
Dear Dr. VladislavB.Cherepennikov ,
Good Day!!!
On behalf of Outlook Conferences, We have the pleasure to cordially invite you as an Organizing Committee member and Invited Speaker at the " International Condensed Matter Physics Conference (OLCCMPC-2019)" which will be held during August 29-30, 2019 at Valencia, Spain. This meeting is aimed to expand its coverage in the areas of Condensed Matter Physics and related fields where expert talks, young researcher's presentations will be placed in the meeting will be inspired and keep up your enthusiasm.
This Meeting will be a great occasion for discussions of previous, present, and future research on "Condensed Matter Physics". It will provide an exciting scientific program, which will cover all aspects from the basics to their applications. It will be a great forum for students, postdoctoral fellows and established scientists from different countries to exchange ideas, and to broaden their knowledge. It will be an excellent occasion to meet researchers from around the world, widen professional contact and create new opportunities, including establishing new collaborations.
For further information and conference updates, please visit the conference website: http://outlookconferences.com/olccmpc-2019/
Your participation is important for the success of this meeting, and will be very much appreciated.
Looking forward to hear positive acknowledgement from you. Please feel free to write to us.
With best regards,
Jessy Czerny
Conference Secretary
Outlook Conferences
T: +91-829-741-4782
Dear Dr.Vladislav Cherepennikov ,
On behalf of the EuroSciCon to welcome you for Magnetism & Material Science 2019 going to be held at Tokyo, Japan on June 24-25, 2019.
We are currently looking for interested people who could come speak at one of our event “International Conference on Magnetism & Material Science” or if you would prefer to present a related topics which you may think would be relevant, feel comfortable to suggest the topic.
Kindly go through the link for assistance of Tracks and Sub-tracks for Abstract and Presentation :- https://magnetism.euroscicon.com/call-for-abstracts
For more information you can have a look at https://magnetism.euroscicon.com/
We would like to have you on board.
With regards,
Katherine Julie | Program Coordinator
EuroSciCon Ltd.
SJIF Journal Impact Factor 2017= 5.379INVITED FOR RESEARCH ARTICLES - Vol. 08, Issue 01, JANUARY- 2019MONTHLY PUBLICATIONFAST PUBLICATIONInternational Journal of Current Research in Life Sciences (IJCRLS) is one of the leading Journals in the field of Life Sciences. It is referred journal having high citation. This Journal invites articles of original scientific research work, Informative reviews, Comparative studies, and brief communications. Articles which are most preferred for publications are precise, accurate, adequate, complete, and newness should be there by which editorial board members feel interesting. All articles are given equal importance every time during whole submission to decision of manuscript is done. All submitted scientific research Work are fast screened by Editorial Board or others concerned members to make the publication process of manuscripts rapid. After getting acceptance from reviewer manuscript published on same day.Important Topic CoveredSome of the important topics are Affective Neuroscience, Anatomy, Animal Sciences, Apiculture, Aquaculture, Astrobiology, Behavioural Biology, Biochemistry, Biocomputers, Biocontrol, Biodiversity and Conservation, Biodynamics, Biogeography, Bioinformatics, Biological engineering, Biology, Biomaterials, Biomechanics, Biomedical science, Biomedicine, Biomonitoring, Biopharmaceutics, Biophysics, Biopolymers, Biotechnology, Botany, Cell biology, Cognitive neuroscience, Computational neuroscience, Conservation biology, Cryobiologym, Developmental biology, Ecology, Embryology, Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental science, Ethnobiology, Ethology, Evolutionary biology, Evolutionary genetics, Fisheries, Food and Nutrition And Genomics, Food science, Genetics, Genomics, Gerontology, Health sciences, histoenzymology, Immunogenetics, Immunology, Immunotherapy, Limnology, Marine biology, Medical devices, Medical Sciences, Microbiology, Molecular biology, Neuroethology, Neuroscience, Novel Drug Delivery, Oncology, Optometry, Paleontology, Parasitology, Pathology, Pest Management, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Pharmaceutics, Pharmacogenomics, Pharmacognosy, Pharmacology, Physiology, Population dynamics, Proteomics, Psychology, Radiobiology, Sericulture, Sociobiology, Soil biology, Sports science, Structural biology, Systematics, Systems biology, Taxonomy, Tissue Culture, Toxicology, Veterinary Sciences, Wild Life, Zoology, etc.Article Submission: http://www.ijcrls.com/submit-articleSubmit your Research and Review articles to: articles@ijcrls.com
Hello Dr. Vladislav Cherepennikov, |
Greetings! |
The main theme of the conference is “A World of Opportunities Focus on the Prospect Advances in Condensed Matter Physics and Materials”. |
For more information kindly go through the following link: https://www.lexisconferences.com/condensedmatterphysics
We expect you to be a part of Condensed Matter Physics 2019 in making the successful. |
Regina James | Event Manager Condensed Matter 2019 |
Hello Dr. Vladislav Cherepennikov, |
Greetings! |
With great pride and honour, we would like to solicit your gracious presence as a speaker at “6th International Conference on Theoretical, Materials and Condensed Matter Physics ” to be held during October 07-08, 2019 at Chicago, Illinois, USA. |
Condensed Matter Physics 2019 aims in gathering renowned scientists, professors, physicists and research professionals across the globe under a single roof, where they discuss the research, achievements and advancements in the field. This meeting will create a platform for the interaction between experts around the world and aims to accelerate scientific discoveries and major milestones in the field of Theoretical, Materials and Condensed Matter Physics. |
Theme: “ Pioneering Global Synopsis in the Advancements of Condensed Matter Physics” For more details: Condensed Matter Physics 2019 I hope you can join us at Chicago. If you are unable to attend, I encourage you to appoint someone as your proxy to attend the event on your behalf. Let us know about your interest to avail this great opportunity. Best Regards James Taylor | Program Manager Condensed Matter Physics 2019 Email: condensedmatterphysics@annualamericacongress.org
Dear Vladislav Cherepennikov,
Thank you for your reply.
I am happy you are interested in publishing with us and I would gladly review your manuscript as soon as it's finished.
Please send me your work for reviewing, when you think you are finished and consider the piece suitable for publishing.
Kind regards and Happy New Year!
Dear Tatiana Botnari!
I thank for the exhaustive information.
Manuscript I will send in the near future.
Once again the best congratulations and wishes.
Happy New Year and Christmas!
Vladislav Cherepennikov
Пятница, 21 декабря 2018, 12:28 +04:00 от Tatiana Botnari <t.botnari@scholars-press.com>:
Dear Vladislav Cherepennikov, I am Tatiana Botnari from Scholars' Press. We would be interested to publish a printed book based on your research in the field of Protection against the pseudoscientific swindlers usurping the power of world scientific community is necessary to a science. About mechanical essence of physical interactions, a philosophical and naturalscience inconsistency quantum - relativistic subconsciousness. In brief, Scholars' Press is dedicated to scientific works written in English. Our books are distributed worldwide through well known shops such as Amazon, Morebooks, Hachette. In addition, we bear all costs related to the production, marketing and distribution of our books. Vladislav Cherepennikov, would you agree to receive more information? I am looking forward to your reply.
Sincere regards,
Tatiana Botnari
Submit your book proposal for review:
Upload manuscript file here ⇪
Scholars’ PressMoreBooks! Marketing SRL
Business Registration No. 1011602004108
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Now in whole Europe, Africa, Asia and South America
Vladislav Cherepennikov
Dear Vladislav Cherepennikov,
We are pleased to inform you that your abstract entitled " " has been published in our Journal so it is an invitation for your full length of manuscript for our upcoming issue which is going to release with in a short period of time.
Research and Reviews Journal of Material Science process of accepting the articles from the experts like you to celebrate the success of the Journal in this regard we want your assistance with your current research works for publication in our upcoming issue.
Noted the journal details.
Find the link below for the journal homepage
Your contribution will definitely be the great support towards our journals success.
We are going to release our new issue with current volume 6 and issue 4
For submission of your valuable manuscript on or before 14th January 2019 you can simply send your paper as an email attachment tomaterialsci@peerreviewedjournals.com
or materialsci@engjournals.com
Your help will definitely be the great support towards our journals success.
Note: If not kindly let us know your tentative date of your paper submission.
Anticipating your valuable response.
Looking towards a long lasting scientific relationship.
With regards,
Sherlyn Adams
Journal Coordinator
Research and Reviews Journal of Material Science
Tel: 1-702-714-7001 Extn: 9042
Contact us at: materialsci@engjournals.com
Twitter: @MatersciRROIJ
Whats app No: +44-1625-708989
Уважаемый Д-Р Владислав Черепенников,
Мы надеемся, что это письмо застанет вас в добром здравии. Информируем вас о том, что в рукописи, которую вы прислали, название и ссылки не найдены, пожалуйста, добавьте название и ссылки в статью. Добросердечно отправьте нами исправленный файл, так, что мы сможем сделать ПДФ и отправить вас для утверждения.
Пожалуйста, перейдите по ссылке, чтобы получить нашу страницу авторские рекомендации для получения более подробной информации о формате журнала, чтобы представить статью авторские рекомендации-ABBSR.
С нетерпением ждем вашего положительного ответа.
Хорошего вам дня!!!
Sony S
ответственный редактор
Dear Dr. Vladislav Cherepennikov ,
Greeting from Nuclear Engineering-2019
Thank you interest towards Nuclear Engineering-2019. Kindly let me know confirmation of participation towards Nuclear Engineering-2019.
Kindly go through the registration process to Confirm your participation at our Congress.
Registration Link: https://www.scientificfederation.com/nucleaur-engineering-2019/registration.php
Awaiting your positive reply
Adam Smith | Program Manager
Nuclear Engineering-2019
Dear Dr. Vladislav Cherepennikov ,
Good Day!!
Follow up
We are highly appreciated for your interest towards our Nuclear Engineering-2019 Congress. We have completed the review Process.
Kindly go through the registration process to Confirm your participation at our Congress.
Registration Link: https://www.scientificfederation.com/nucleaur-engineering-2019/registration.php
Thanks & Regards
Adam Smith,
Conference Secretariat,
Nuclear Engineering-2019.
On Fri, Dec 14, 2018 at 11:24 AM Adam Smith <wcqne2018@gmail.com> wrote:Dear Dr. Vladislav Cherepennikov,
Good Day!!
We are highly appreciated for your interest towards our Nuclear Engineering-2019 Congress. We have completed the review Process.
Kindly go through the registration process to Confirm your participation at our Congress.
Registration Link: https://www.scientificfederation.com/nucleaur-engineering-2019/registration.php
Thanks & Regards
Adam Smith,
Conference Secretariat,
Nuclear Engineering-2019.
On Mon, Dec 10, 2018 at 12:17 PM Adam Smith <wcqne2018@gmail.com> wrote:Dear Dr. Vladislav Cherepennikov ,
Good Day!!
We are highly appreciated for your interest towards our Nuclear Engineering-2019 Congress. We have completed the review Process.
Kindly go through the registration process to Confirm your participation at our Congress.
Registration Link: https://www.scientificfederation.com/nucleaur-engineering-2019/registration.php
Thanks & Regards
Adam Smith,
Conference Secretariat,
Nuclear Engineering-2019.
On Fri, Dec 7, 2018 at 11:38 AM Vladislav Cherepennikov <newton-society@mail.ru> wrote:Dear Adam Smith
I am sorry for necessity of elimination of the admitted typing errors for earlier sent message.
Yours faithfully, Vladislav Cherepennikov
Понедельник, 3 декабря 2018, 10:03 +04:00 от Adam Smith <wcqne2018@gmail.com>:
Dear Dr. Vladislav Cherepennikov,
Greeting from Nuclear Engineering-2019,
We followed your elite research work entitled “Protection against the pseudoscientific swindlers usurping the power of world scientific community is necessary to science- About mechanical essence of physical interactions, a philosophical and naturalscience inconsistency quantum - relativistic sub consciousness" distributed in Journal of physical chemistry and biophysics and we believe it would be a perfect match for the scintillating 2nd International conference on Quantum Mechanics and Nuclear Engineering 2019 which is going to be held in Paris,France during September 23-24, 2019. We would like to invite you and your co-authors to share your research and enlighten us with your work.
Basing on your expertise in this field, we would like to invite you to attend this conference as a Honorable Speaker.
For more details kindly visit the conference website: https://www.scientificfederation.com/nucleaur-engineering-2019/
To proceed, kindly submit your title of interest, abstract, biography and photo as per the attached template.
Awaiting your prompt response.
Thanks & Regards
Adam Smith,
Conference Secretariat,
Nuclear Engineering-2019,
27 Old Gloucester Street,
Dear Dr. Vladislav Cherepennikov,
Warm Greetings from Scientia Ricerca!
Thank you for submitting your eminent manuscript towards Chronicles of Pharmaceutical Science journal. We would like to inform you that, your manuscript has been accepted for further process and is under peer review.
Title: Creation of The General Mechanical Theory of Physical Interactions by The Solution of own Mechanical Models Faraday and Maxwell
Manuscript ID: COPS-18 OPN-0091
Please use the above ID number for further communication regarding the article update.
We will get back to you with the further update of valuable article.
Thank you,
Best Regards,
Aliza Marks,
Associate Managing Editor,
Chronicles of Pharmaceutical Science,
E-mail : pharmacy@scientiaricerca.com
Website : scientiaricerca.com
From: Vladislav Cherepennikov [mailto:newton-society@mail.ru]
Sent: 23 December 2018 09:48
To: Aliza Marks
Subject: Re: Regarding submission of your article
Dear Aliza Marks!
The best wishes happy New Year! Good luck in your noble affairs and private life.
Certainly, there are no objections against “to categorise it as“ Opinion ””.
I hope for our further fruitful cooperation.
Yours faithfully, Vladislav Cherepennikov
Суббота, 22 декабря 2018, 9:10 +04:00 от Aliza Marks <pharmacy@scientiaricerca.com>:
Dear Dr. Vladislav Cherepennikov,
We heartily thank you for submitting your eminent article entitled “CREATION OF THE GENERAL MECHANICAL THEORY OF PHYSICAL INTERACTIONS BY THE SOLUTION OF OWN MECHANICAL MODELS FARADAY AND MAXWELL” towards Chronicles of Pharmaceutical Science. We would like to notify you that, based on the eminence of your valuable article, we would like to categorize it as “Opinion”. So, we would like to kindly seek your valuable permission in this particular context to categorize the article as “Opinion” so that we can proceed for further process.
We look forward to receive your prompt response!
Best Regards,
Aliza Marks,
Associate Managing Editor,
Chronicles of Pharmaceutical Science,
E-mail : pharmacy@scientiaricerca.com
Website : scientiaricerca.comFrom: Vladislav Cherepennikov [mailto:newton-society@mail.ru]
Sent: 20 December 2018 13:17
To: pharmacy@scientiaricerca.com
Subject: Отдел.doc, image003_3-big.JPG
Dear Aliza Marks!
The best regards and congratulations happy New Year!
Successes to You, Your colleagues in Your noble affairs on protection and revival of fundamental science and in private life.
I send You the requested materials which have not been published earlier. I hope for the further fruitful cooperation.
Yours faithfully, Vladislav Cherepennikov.
Vladislav Cherepennikov
Dear Vladislav Cherepennikov,
Thank you for your time.
As an international publisher, we would like to publish your work (thesis, dissertation, lecture notes etc.) and bring it to all interested readers.
Scholars’ Press publishes high quality books which are distributed worldwide via Morebooks.shop , Amazon and many others.
Please notice we publish independent books in English, not journal articles. According to our company policy we only publish papers that are
at least 42 pages long (without the table of contents, references and appendices).
Features & benefits:
- Free of charge publication;
- You remain the copyright holder to guarantee that you can always reach out to an-ever growing audience;
- Unique ISBN; All our titles are assigned an ISBN and can thus be identified and ordered worldwide;
- You receive a free electronic copy of the published book;
- You earn yearly royalties of 12%;
Here’s what happens:
Step 1: Submit your manuscript (by email at t.botnari@scholars-press.com);
Step 2: Receive our approval and short feedback;
Step 3: Online book project creation, fast & easy;
Step 4: Technical verification;
Step 5: Sales & Distribution.
You are welcome to send us your work (PDF, Word) for a short in-house review.
Hope to hear from you soon.
DearTatiana Botnari!
The best regards and congratulations happy New Year!
Successes to You, Your colleagues in Your noble affairs on protection and revival of fundamental science and in private life.
“The power without brains” governs the world as writes in the book with the same name the Nobel prize winner academician Jores Alfyorov or “the darkness power” as affirms the member of the Union of writers of Russia Anton Blagin .
I have familiarized with Your youth collective and Your noble activity. Such as You the future belongs. And I would not like, that our future was killed in approaching nuclear catastrophe under the scenario of a planet the Phaeton as outstanding scientists, figures of arts and the literature warn.
To me offers of publication of materials of research in full volume already arrived. But I have been compelled to refrain because on the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin Strategy of scientifically-technological development of the Russian Federation till 2035, providing necessity of "change of a scientific paradigm dominating at the moment” has been elaborated.
Which essence consisted in the following :
“The fundamental science the next years will essentially change. It is necessary to expect development of new leading scientific concepts. There are bases to expect considerable breaks in horizon till 2035-2050 in fundamental researches in astrophysics, the quantum physics …, growth of the importance of the basic researches directed on change of a scientific paradigm dominating at the moment …
Development of fundamental scientific researches in the Russian Federation will be one of unconditional priorities of the state scientifically-technological policy on long-term prospect.
Existing in Russia at the moment the system of an estimation of fundamental researches disperses from world practice … priority directions of development of fundamental researches are defined by scientific community, instead of pseudoscientific swindlersbibliometrics indicators.
The science is obliged to explain the purposes of the activity to a society and to be to it accountable”
On November, 23rd, 2016 under Vladimir Putin's presidency Council session has taken place at the President on science and education in which course the project of Strategy of scientifically-technological development of Russia was discussed.
On this Council the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin has told: «Considering a main role of a science and technologies for the country as you know, the special status is given it: directly in the law it is registered, that it is equal to Strategy of national safety.
The first. It is necessary to concentrate special attention to fundamental science development, to aim it at reception of essentially new knowledge, search of answers to so-called big calls of tomorrow.
Despite an uneasy situation, it is necessary to support level of expenses on fundamental science ….Therefore along with budgetary funds we will direct also off-budget … Having saved here today, we will be, certainly, hopelessly to lag behind tomorrow - and admit it we can not.
Money should be allocated to effective collectives … It is necessary to create such conditions to make our country one of the centres of gravity for the best scientists from all world ».
I had to spend a lot of time that the world scientific community had possibility to be convinced who interferes with revival and development fundamental science.
Forty four year’s references of the author of materials of the research, proving mechanical essence of physical interactions, in Academy of sciences, its profile institutes and scientific magazines with the request of publication for wide scientific discussion and acceptance of the true decision for the further fruitful development of natural sciences and philosophy have appeared unsuccessful. iAs a rule references remained without answers with rare exception when standard refusal came - «work is not at modern scientific level and does not represent any interest».
In connection withrough infringement of the legislation from the academic establishments, obliging to spend«objective, all-round and timely consideration of references, acceptances of the measures directed on restoration or protection of the broken rights, freedom and legitimate interests the citizen and the organizations», for example, article 10 of the Federal Law №59, has been compelled to address in the higher organizations.
In the beginning, in the CPSU Central Committee, and last eleven years in Administration of the President of the Russian Federation with the request to oblige Academy of sciences to carry out laws of the Russian Federation.
The result has appeared more than discouraging. The Administration of the President of the Russian Federation has ignored direct instructions of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin on necessity «changes of a scientific paradigm dominating at the moment», having put a damage of Strategy of scientifically-technological development of the Russian Federation till 2035, equal by the Law and the President of the Russian Federation to strategy of national safety; the legislation of the Russian Federation; the official duties, having answered, after eleven-year promises, flat refusal, also has risen, thereby, on a high treason way!!! As the Law and the President of the country, equate Strategy of development of fundamental science to Strategy of national safety of the country, and article 275 Criminal code of Russian Federation "High treason" says: that “the general for all ways of high treason is the addressee spending hostile activity, and presence of citizens of the Russian Federation who assist in activity to the damage of safety of the Russian Federation”. According to the Part of 5 articles 15 Criminal code of Russian Federation this crime concerns in a category especially grave crimes.
Now, as they say, hands at me are untied and I am ready to fruitful cooperation with You on“brought to consciousness of broad masses of extraordinary seriousness of the sad consequences of the crisis in natural science for the fate of earthly civilization”.The professor V. Kuzmin.
Certainly, in the light of last events, research materials require completion, than I am engaged now.
Therefore would like, as You write, «to receive more information» from You.
Yours faithfully, Vladislav Cherepennikov
Dear Dr. Vladislav Cherepennikov,
We heartily thank you for submitting your eminent article entitled “CREATION OF THE GENERAL MECHANICAL THEORY OF PHYSICAL INTERACTIONS BY THE SOLUTION OF OWN MECHANICAL MODELS FARADAY AND MAXWELL” towards Chronicles of Pharmaceutical Science. We would like to notify you that, based on the eminence of your valuable article, we would like to categorize it as “Opinion”. So, we would like to kindly seek your valuable permission in this particular context to categorize the article as “Opinion” so that we can proceed for further process.
We look forward to receive your prompt response!
Best Regards,
Aliza Marks,
Associate Managing Editor,
Chronicles of Pharmaceutical Science,
E-mail : pharmacy@scientiaricerca.com
Website : scientiaricerca.com
From: Vladislav Cherepennikov [mailto:newton-society@mail.ru]
Sent: 20 December 2018 13:17
To: pharmacy@scientiaricerca.com
Subject: Отдел.doc, image003_3-big.JPG
Dear Aliza Marks!
The best regards and congratulations happy New Year!
Successes to You, Your colleagues in Your noble affairs on protection and revival of fundamental science and in private life.
I send You the requested materials which have not been published earlier. I hope for the further fruitful cooperation.
Yours faithfully, Vladislav Cherepennikov.
Vladislav Cherepennikov
- Scientific works...
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- Cherepennkov V.B. Science needs protection. Research.
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- Pseudoscientific works (criticism)
- Pseudoscientific Articles (discussion)
- Polemical Articles (discussion)
New items:
The Internet journal of Newtonian readingScience newsNot translatedNot translated07.03.2023 09:50