Interaction with foreign colleagues
Correspondence about the publication of the book
Dear Vladislav Cherepennikov,
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DearTatiana Botnari!
The best regards and congratulations happy New Year!
Successes to You, Your colleagues in Your noble affairs on protection and revival of fundamental science and in private life.
“The power without brains” governs the world as writes in the book with the same name the Nobel prize winner academician Jores Alfyorov or “the darkness power” as affirms the member of the Union of writers of Russia Anton Blagin .
I have familiarized with Your youth collective and Your noble activity. Such as You the future belongs. And I would not like, that our future was killed in approaching nuclear catastrophe under the scenario of a planet the Phaeton as outstanding scientists, figures of arts and the literature warn.
To me offers of publication of materials of research in full volume already arrived. But I have been compelled to refrain because on the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin Strategy of scientifically-technological development of the Russian Federation till 2035, providing necessity of "change of a scientific paradigm dominating at the moment” has been elaborated.
Which essence consisted in the following :
“The fundamental science the next years will essentially change. It is necessary to expect development of new leading scientific concepts. There are bases to expect considerable breaks in horizon till 2035-2050 in fundamental researches in astrophysics, the quantum physics …, growth of the importance of the basic researches directed on change of a scientific paradigm dominating at the moment …
Development of fundamental scientific researches in the Russian Federation will be one of unconditional priorities of the state scientifically-technological policy on long-term prospect.
Existing in Russia at the moment the system of an estimation of fundamental researches disperses from world practice … priority directions of development of fundamental researches are defined by scientific community, instead of pseudoscientific swindlersbibliometrics indicators.
The science is obliged to explain the purposes of the activity to a society and to be to it accountable”
On November, 23rd, 2016 under Vladimir Putin's presidency Council session has taken place at the President on science and education in which course the project of Strategy of scientifically-technological development of Russia was discussed.
On this Council the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin has told: «Considering a main role of a science and technologies for the country as you know, the special status is given it: directly in the law it is registered, that it is equal to Strategy of national safety.
The first. It is necessary to concentrate special attention to fundamental science development, to aim it at reception of essentially new knowledge, search of answers to so-called big calls of tomorrow.
Despite an uneasy situation, it is necessary to support level of expenses on fundamental science ….Therefore along with budgetary funds we will direct also off-budget … Having saved here today, we will be, certainly, hopelessly to lag behind tomorrow - and admit it we can not.
Money should be allocated to effective collectives … It is necessary to create such conditions to make our country one of the centres of gravity for the best scientists from all world ».
I had to spend a lot of time that the world scientific community had possibility to be convinced who interferes with revival and development fundamental science.
Forty four year’s references of the author of materials of the research, proving mechanical essence of physical interactions, in Academy of sciences, its profile institutes and scientific magazines with the request of publication for wide scientific discussion and acceptance of the true decision for the further fruitful development of natural sciences and philosophy have appeared unsuccessful. iAs a rule references remained without answers with rare exception when standard refusal came - «work is not at modern scientific level and does not represent any interest».
In connection withrough infringement of the legislation from the academic establishments, obliging to spend«objective, all-round and timely consideration of references, acceptances of the measures directed on restoration or protection of the broken rights, freedom and legitimate interests the citizen and the organizations», for example, article 10 of the Federal Law №59, has been compelled to address in the higher organizations.
In the beginning, in the CPSU Central Committee, and last eleven years in Administration of the President of the Russian Federation with the request to oblige Academy of sciences to carry out laws of the Russian Federation.
The result has appeared more than discouraging. The Administration of the President of the Russian Federation has ignored direct instructions of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin on necessity «changes of a scientific paradigm dominating at the moment», having put a damage of Strategy of scientifically-technological development of the Russian Federation till 2035, equal by the Law and the President of the Russian Federation to strategy of national safety; the legislation of the Russian Federation; the official duties, having answered, after eleven-year promises, flat refusal, also has risen, thereby, on a high treason way!!! As the Law and the President of the country, equate Strategy of development of fundamental science to Strategy of national safety of the country, and article 275 Criminal code of Russian Federation "High treason" says: that “the general for all ways of high treason is the addressee spending hostile activity, and presence of citizens of the Russian Federation who assist in activity to the damage of safety of the Russian Federation”. According to the Part of 5 articles 15 Criminal code of Russian Federation this crime concerns in a category especially grave crimes.
Now, as they say, hands at me are untied and I am ready to fruitful cooperation with You on“brought to consciousness of broad masses of extraordinary seriousness of the sad consequences of the crisis in natural science for the fate of earthly civilization”.The professor V. Kuzmin.
Certainly, in the light of last events, research materials require completion, than I am engaged now.
Therefore would like, as You write, «to receive more information» from You.
Yours faithfully, Vladislav Cherepennikov
- Scientific works...
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- Cherepennkov V.B. Science needs protection. Research.
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